Our message is that an addict, any addict, can stop using drugs, lose the desire to use, and find a new way to live.
(Basic Text, Tradition Five)
Service Materials Library
Below is a library of Narcotics Anonymous Service material from the UK and around the world.
Please be aware that due to the recent NA World Services Website Upgrade some of the links on this page may not be functioning.
The FD Tech Team are however working towards getting the broken links fixed as soon as possible.
Here are some useful direct links on the new NAWS website including service materials
(The link above opens a downloadable PDF on a new page)
UKNA Service Materials
How to start a new meeting
A quick start guide
The Group Booklet
Guide To Local Services (2023) -The Group
GSR Basics PDF
GSR Basics in Farsi PDF
Building Stronger Home Groups Discussion and Worksheets
Common/Special Interest Meetings
Open and closed NA meetings
Group Conscience and NA Literature
Meeting Attendance Cards
Virtual Meetings Basics
Virtual Meetings Basics in Farsi
(Written and approved by the UKNA Fellowship )
What to expect at your first NA meeting
Parents & Carers: Taking Care
(pdf scan of original booklet)
Guidelines for Inappropriate Behaviour in Meetings - UKNA RSC - 2005
(pdf Copy of original booklet text)
Locally Developed UKNA services
The Approved Audio Version of the 6th Edition of the Basic Text recorded in English by UKNA members
UKNA FD GRS Workshop & Group information Materials
Some samples of UKNA ASC Guidelines
Current UKNA RSC Guidelines (updated regularly)
UKNA Regional Sub Committee Guidelines
Other UKNA Region Resources Including RSC Minutes etc.
Area, Regional and Zonal Service Materials From Around the world
(Asia Pacific Forum)
Building Strong Home Groups
Multi-Zonal Service Symposium
(Hosted by Plain State, Sothern and Mid West Zonal Forums)
North East Zonal Forum Fellowship Development
A great collection of YouTube
Videos on many aspects
of Service in NA
Western Service Learning Days
WSLD Workshop
Materials 2017 to 2021
List of other Zonal Forum Websites in the US & Canada
- Canadian Assembly (CANA))
- Midwest Zonal Forum (USA) (3240 meetings)
- North East Zonal Forum (USA) (4622 meetings)
- Plains States Zonal Forum (USA) ( meetings)
- Rocky Mountain Zonal Forum (USA) (701 meetings)
- Southern Zonal Forum (USA) (3613 meetings)
- Southeastern Zonal Forum (USA) (4471 meetings)
- Western States Zonal Forum (USA) (6733 meetings)
Service Materials at Narcotics Anonymous World Services
Links to any sites on these pages, other than those of Narcotics Anonymous, are provided solely as a courtesy
and should not be seen as implying an affiliation or endorsement of any other entity or agency.