Welcome to UKNA Fellowship Development

The UKNA FD Environmental Scan 2023/24 has now been closed for submissions

The UKNA Fellowship Development Committee’s aim is to help Groups, Committees & Areas build cohesive structures which will stand the test of time. 

"The Fellowship development umbrella: This structure is similar to a public relations umbrella except that the focus is on supporting the growth of other NA service bodies. In a fellowship development umbrella, one group of trusted servants provides information, training, and support to other NA areas. This support allows each service body to provide services that best meet the needs in their local community. This structure may be useful in large geographic territories where each area needs to be empowered to provide effective services in their own community. "
(Ch. 3 -  pg. 24 Public Relations Handbook)

For more details about what Fellowship Development is and what it does please see the information below:

(Fellowship Development Ch.12 PR Handbook)


The UKNA Fellowship Development Committee are open to any enquiry about Service, using their collective experience.

To find out when we meet and how to join us please go HERE

Direct links to some useful service tools can found below or via the main menu.

UKNA Fellowship Development Committee Meeting Information: 

The UKNA Fellowship Development Committee meets on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm

The next UKNA Fellowship Development Committee will be on

Wednesday February 5th  2025 at 19:00 (7:00pm)  

Direct room Link

Zoom ID - 954 4006 2457 / Password - STEPS

UKNA Fellowship Development Committee
Service Opportunities

  • Vice Chair – 4 years clean time required
  • Vice Treasurer - 4 years clean time required
  • Vice Secretary - 2 years clean time required
  • Tech - 2 years clean time required
  • Workshop/Service Request Coordinator -
     5 years clean time required 
  • Area/ District Reps - 2 years clean time required

For more information about these service positions and to learn more about what UKNA-FD does please attend the next Fellowship Development committee on the 1st Wednesday of the Month as shown or email us at [email protected]

Image  UKNA FD Flyer front

Service Inventory

This is a useful tool used by and adapted from many sources around the Global Fellowship that can be used by any group or service body wishing to conduct an inventory process. 

*New Form

Service Volunteers Form

The Service Volunteers Form is a new way that UKNA FD are trialing to help us to connect you, the willing members of NA, to Area and Regional services and projects, that need your help. This form now offers opportunities to join current or future UKNA FD Task Team or Working Groups. 

Service Request Form

You can use this form to let UKFD. If you have any question about service or specific requests about any area of Service in NA.
It can also be used to let UKFD know what service projects you are working on and if you need any help or assistance .

*New Form

UK Fellowship Development Project Ideas and Proposals Submission Form

UK Fellowship Development Project Ideas and Proposals Submission Form. For use by any member, group or service committee. If you have any question about this form or need help filling it in please contact UKNA FD via email at [email protected].

FD Resources & Service Materials

This page is a library of Narcotics Anonymous Service resources from the UK and around the Worldwide Fellowship  that has been collated by UKNA FD. Here you can find  dozens of links to the collective service experience of NA members, including information and workshop material on many of the service topics and issues that we all share. 

Links to any sites on these pages, other than those of Narcotics Anonymous, are provided solely as a courtesy and should not be seen as implying an affiliation or endorsement of any other entity or agency.

For more information please send an email to: [email protected]